
First mission MSF : Destination YEMEN

First mission MSF : Destination YEMEN

First mission of 3 months as HR manager for the coordination of Sana'a

Proud to be a member of MSF International POOL

Proud to be a member of MSF International POOL

After passing all the selection tests, I joined the MSF international pool as HR manager.

HR LEAD replacement assignment - Heineken / GBNC

HR LEAD replacement assignment - Heineken / GBNC

NEW CALEDONIA - Manager de transition - Mission de 5 mois en tant que HR project manager Interim manager mission - 5 months of HR lead remplacement

Coaching a talented designer @BITIHARAA

Coaching a talented designer @BITIHARAA

INDIA - For my second mission in India, I had the opportunity to help Armenuhi in the development strategy of @BITIHARAA. Talented designer of a silk dress, after two years of activity, she wished to raise funds to increase her production and to recruit new employees. Together we structured her global strategy : marketing, financially and organizationally. A beautiful opportunity for me to translate my managements tools, to adapt my advice to the country's reality and to discover the India business regulations. => Descovery of a talented designer!

Article du SPN : Une experte en stratégie et changement organisationnel

Article du SPN : Une experte en stratégie et changement organisationnel

2021/02/05 Merci au SPN pour ce chouette article qui permet de présenter l'ADN de CIMAGIL !

Le Kit du manager pour le SPN

Le Kit du manager pour le SPN

Avec Olivier Portron, j'ai eu grand plaisir d'animer le Kit du manager pour les entreprises adhérentes du SPN - association des professionnels du numérique. Quatre modules pour améliorer ses pratiques managériales et s'adapter au contexte.

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